Napoli tra Sette e Ottocento: polo storico di riferimento culturale per il mondo albanese e l’Arbëria. Nel Bicentenario della morte di Angelo Masci (1822-2022)


Blerina Suta
University of Naples L'Orientale


Albanian culture Biblioteca Nazionale di Napli, Albanian question, Albanian writers Kingdom of the two Sicilies, Angelo Masci, bilingual italo-albanian poetry, Calabrian Romanticism, Domenico Mauro, Enlightenment linguistics, Emanuele Bidera, Girolamo De Rada collections bnn, Greco-Albanian, Italo-albanian linguistics, Manzonism, Masonry and secret societies, I canti di Milosao, Morea, Ossianism, Pasquale Baffi, Pelasgian divinations, Pelasgian origin, S. Sofia d’Epiro, Self-translation, Serafina Thopia, Vincenzo Dorsa, XIX-century linguistics, Illyrian origin, Indo-European origin



Publisher: UniorPress

Series: Romance section annals - Texts

Pages: 312

Language: Italian


Abstract: The given contributions illustrate in depth the central role of Naples for a double awareness: on the one hand the need of the Albanians of Italy to emancipate themselves from the state of social and civil marginalization in which they lived, and on the other the need of a cultural rebirth (Rilindja) of the Albanians on the other side of the Adriatic to the detriment of the Ottoman yoke. Between the late eighteenth and the first half of the nineteenth century, Naples offered itself to the arbëreshë intellectuals as a workshop in turmoil in which to elaborate the constitutive characteristics of the Albanian cultural identity on which the future country will put down roots.

The researches here gathered confirm the arbëresh roots of the Albanian movement of Rilindja, thanks to the network of relationships and exchange that the intellectuals of the Italo-Albanian  diaspora, trained in Naples and operating in the south of Italy have established with the intellectuals of other diasporas in Istanbul, Bucharest, Cairo and Sofia, making the ideal homeland, the Arbëria, become the paradigm on which to elaborate, in the second half of the nineteenth century, ideas on the Albanian cultural and linguistic identity and the very concept of the Albanian nation.

It is offered as a rediscovery and ideas of renewed study of the Albanian traces in Naples, which, inserting themselves into the Neapolitan genius loci, accentuate their multiple, fluid, stratified dimension at the expense of national-centric visions, whose one-dimensional character pairs with the homologation tendency, so widespread nowadays.


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Author Biography

Blerina Suta, University of Naples L'Orientale

Blerina Suta teaches Albanian Language and Literature (Ssd: L-Lin 18) at the Department of Comparative and Linguistic Literary Studies of the University “l’Orientale” of Naples.

Her scientific activity deals mainly with Albanian literature’s history, Albanian philology and literary criticism.

She is the author of copious works of study in the albanologic field regarding different eras of the traditional Albanian literature and the contemporary Albanian literature.





March 28, 2024


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ISBN-13 (15)


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