Divided families: stories of conflicts and transgressions (Italy and Spain, 16th-18th centuries)


Davide Balestra
University of Molise
Elisa Novi Chavarria
University of Molise


Families, Nobility, Hispanic Monarchy, Early Modern History, Conflicts



Publisher: FedOA - Federico II University Press 

Series: Clio. Essays in History, Archaeology and Art History

Pages: 291

Language: Italian

NBN: http://nbn.depositolegale.it/resolver.pl?nbn=urn:nbn:it:unina-29832

Abstract: In historiography and in the collective imagination, the image of the close-knit family, traceable in Southern Europe, as opposed to the 'weak' family, widespread in Northern Europe, has long resisted. In recent years, however, many new perspectives have opened up in the field of historical research on the family in the Early Modern Age. They have helped to shift the focus from the complementarity of sex roles and horizontal relationships within families to the disunity and tensions that ran through parental relationships in many other cases. The authors of the essays collected in this book consciously wanted to investigate the reasons for disputes, the more or less latent individual or generational contrasts within family groups, such as the tensions between parents and sons/daughters or between cadets and firstborn concerning political disputes or relating to the control and redistribution of family resources. These were conflicts generated by the will of individuals and their unconventional behaviour, the full extent of which is not lost on the emotional dimension of the cases, the language of feelings, the ever-present anxiety over the preservation of the name and heritage.


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Author Biographies

Davide Balestra, University of Molise

Davide Balestra is a researcher of Early Modern History at the University of Molise. He mainly deals with political and social history, with a focus on the history of Italian elites. His publications include: Gli Imperiali di Francavilla. Ascesa di una famiglia genovese in età moderna (Bari 2017); Formazione e ascesa di un homo novus nella Napoli austriaca: le lettere giovanili di Carlo De Marco a Ferdinando De Leo, «Mediterranea-Ricerche Storiche», 57/1, 2023; «En la corte los desengaños se toman, no se dan». Le trattative per le nozze tra Giacomo Stuart e Claudia Felicita d’Asburgo (1671-73), «Rivista Storica Italiana», 3, 2023.

Elisa Novi Chavarria , University of Molise

Elisa Novi Chavarria is Professor of Early Modern History and History of Europe from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment at the University of Molise. She has published several essays and books on the political and cultural history of the Early Modern Age, including: Sacro, pubblico e privato. Donne nei secoli XV-XVIII (Napoli 2009); Accogliere e curare. Ospedali e culture delle nazioni nella Monarchia ispanica (secc. XVI-XVII) (Roma 2020); Potere trasversale. Ecclesiastici a corte e nei feudi (secoli XVI-XVIII) (Palermo 2023). With Philippe Martin, she edited the book Emozioni e luoghi urbani. Dall’antichità a oggi (Roma 2021).




January 23, 2024


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Details about this monograph

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Date of first publication (11)


