Una riscrittura della passione di Cristo: gli Acta Pilati 1-11. Introduzione, traduzione e commento


Gilberto Marconi
Università degli studi del Molise


Acts of Pilate, Apocrypha, Ancient Christian Literature



Publisher: UniorPress

Series: Bibbia e Letteratura

Pages: 374

Language: Italian

NBN: http://nbn.depositolegale.it/urn:nbn:it:unina-29641

Abstract: It is the first complete commentary in Italian on the Acta Pilati, the Greek apocryphal of the NT. The boundaries and dating of the text are established, and a complete version with textual criticism, translation, extensive commentary and bibliography is proposed. The editor takes material from the canonical stories of the Passion by mixing sources and texts from different authors. However, there is no shortage of insertions of new characters compared to the synoptic narratives as well as the deletion of some figures including all movements. The reduction of the entire story to just two scenes - the praetorium and the place of the crucifixion - the action of the characters reduced to words, the dialogue always and only between two subjects at a time, the use of the historical present tense etc. they accentuated the theatrical writing which was entrusted with a double function, incarnational and political: it offered updating depth to the story and recovered the positive image of Pilate.


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Author Biography

Gilberto Marconi, Università degli studi del Molise

Gilberto Marconi was a professor of New Testament and Biblical Greek exegesis at the Gregoriana University (Rome) from 1985 to 2005. In the same period he also taught at LUMSA, Urbaniana and Angelicum. He is a member of the Italian Biblical Association and of the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Since 2005 he has been an Associate Professor in the disciplinary sector L-Fil-Let/06 Ancient Christian literature at the University of Molise. From 2006 to 2020 he was a member of the Teaching Board of the Research Doctorate "Greek and Latin poetry and culture in late ancient and medieval times" announced by the University of Macerata. He has published articles in Angelicum, Auctores nostri, Biblica, Filologia antica e moderna, Firmana, Henoch, Maia, Paideia, Ricerche storico bibliche, Rivista Biblica, Rivista di estetica etc.; essays and monographs with the publishing houses Aracne, Borla, Carocci, Franco Cesati, Cittadella, Città Nuova, Dehoniane, Ed. dell’Orso, ETS, ESI., Erredi, Bruno Mondadori, Paoline, Paulist Press, Quattroventi, etc.



October 20, 2023


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Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)


