A family, a lordship, a town: Politics and society in the Orsinian county of Nola (14th-15th century)


Lugi Tufano
University of Naples Federico II


Middle-Ages, 14th-16th century, Kingdom of Sicily, Orsini, lordship



Publisher: FedOA - Federico II University Press 

Series: Regna. Texts and Studies on Institutions, Culture and Memory in Medieval Southern Italy

Pages: 340

Language: Italian

NBN: http://nbn.depositolegale.it/urn:nbn:it:unina-29174

Abstract: The feudal lordship of Southern Italy and in Southern Italy is a long-lasting historiographic theme, which has taken on new life in recent years. The rethinking of the interpretative categories of the medieval lordship, a series of in-depth analyses of the late-medieval rural societies and the characteristics of the feudal powers, the detailed reconstructions of their forms of administration and management, the investigations into the semantics of representations have allowed the overcoming of that historiographic paradigm of a Southern baronial class which was internally homogeneous and monolithic in its orientations. Aiming to follow this path, this book puts a case study forth: the lordship of the Orsini, counts of Nola, between Terra di Lavoro and Principato Ultra (1293-1528). Using a wide variety of sources (documentary, literary, iconographic and architectural), the author reconstructs how the Orsini were able to entrench themselves within this territory, exposing their network of relationships with Nola’s most prominent families, and analysing the processes of their self-representation through artistic patronage.


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Author Biography

Lugi Tufano, University of Naples Federico II

Luigi Tufano obtained a PhD in Medieval History at the University of Turin and was research fellow at the University of Naples “Federico II”. His research ranges from social and institutional to cultural history in the late Middle Ages. In particular, he has analysed topics related to the study of the nobility in the Kingdom of Sicily during the Durazzeschi age and the Aragonese one, of the royal, noble and ecclesiastical sphragistics and of the humanistic epigraphy.


a family



May 29, 2023


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