On some methods and applications of ordered Banach spaces


Achille Basile (ed.)
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II


Informazione asimmetrica, operatori compatti, Disuguaglianze di Fefferman, incastri, aspettative di equilibri, razionale, allocazioni c-fair, nucleo ex-post



Editore: FedOA Press (Federico II Open Access University Press).

Pagine: 37.

Lingua: Italiano.

NBN: http://nbn.depositolegale.it/urn:nbn:it:unina-22026

Abstract: Spaces of infinite dimension have played an increasing role in the last four decades concerning their applications in models both for economics and for finance. The intertemporal allocation of resources, commodity differentiation, uncertainty, dynamics of the fundamental variables of financial markets, are some of the issues that can be properly captured by means of the mathematical techniques that are typical in such spaces.

This collection contains some recent contributions in this area.

Achille Basile, Editor’s Preface

Ciro Tarantino, Coalitional fairness with many agents and commodities

Anna Canale - Ciro Tarantino, Embedding and compactness results for multiplication operators  in Sobolev spaces



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Biografia autore

Achille Basile (ed.), Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

He is Professor of Mathematical Methods for Economics at Department of Economics and Statistics of University of Naples Federico II (basile@unina.it). He served as Vice President of the Division of Human and Social Sciences and has been Dean of the Faculty of Economics. Currently he coordinates the Presidio della qualità of the University Federico II and is a member of the Nucleo di valutazione at the University of Bologna. He is also Chairman of the Italian Association for Mathematics Applied to Economics and Social Sciences (AMASES). He is the author of scientific publications on themes of general economic equilibrium, game theory, functional analysis and measure theory.



December 30, 2014

Dettagli su questo libro

ISBN-13 (15)


Data di pubblicazione (01)


